Wednesday 25 January 2012

Designers Accord: Round UP

Well its been almost a whole week since the designers accord meeting and we are still waiting for any news of the evening to hit the web! I was waiting until all of the discussions from the evening were up on the net before i made a post about the night but ill try my best without them!

The entire evening was a complete success. On arrival each attendee was given a sticker with their names on and ushered into a lobby area where there was a selection of drinks and small bits of food. when we arrived it was already filling up so we quite quickly moved into the room in which the talks were about to begin. 

As the room was only available from six until eight the all of the speakers were pretty rushed but it was a great high energy way to start the event. 

After the event had been introduced by Zoe Olivia ( currently the Responsible Design teaching fellow at Winchester School of Art). A short film was then shown, which makes up the last in a series of videos  from the Engage By Design team. The video, part of the Kaleidoscope project was very interesting, focusing on the tools and skills that we need to get to a better future. Acting as a call to arms for designers and professionals about the need to rethink the way we practice our disciplines.

The rest of the talks were focusing on a number of different approaches to the ways in which we can manage social change to create a sustainable society.

 One of my favorite speakers of the evening was Gustov Montes De Oca from Hackney City Farm. He talked about how we can learn from nature in the way in which we dispose of our waste. He used the example of a dying wale feeding the ocean for years after it has died. Nothing is wasted it is just used to continue life within the ocean. From this idea he talked about his idea for resource mapping - the idea that if every business across a city were to register the bulk of there waste there would be somebody out there that would be able to use this as a raw material to create something else.I think this is a brilliant idea that we should definitely keep our eyes peeled for!! 

After all of the talks were over and everybody was inspired by all of the things that had been said it was time to break for drinks and then separate into groups to come up with: 

' three actions to generate social innovation'.

 This was by far my favorite part of the evening everybody was there to share ideas and listen to one another. i was in a group surrounded by established design professionals that were just as happy to listen to my ideas as they were to share their own. Every group got deep into discussion and came up with a number of different points to make when the time was up. 

Each group then presented their ideas to Zoe and she wrote them down so that all of the information could be collated and turned into something useful.

The whole evening was a complete success and i am looking forward to seeing what will come of it and to see all of the photos that were taken on the night ( as well as the video) 

Here are a few links from the evening:

The Designers Accord:

Engage by Design & The Kalidescope Project:

Fiona Bennie - Forum for the Future:

Mike Smart - Design Council Challenges:

Andrea Koerselman - Ideo:

Gustavo Montes De Oca - Hackney City Farm & The Golden Company: 
Paul Miller - The School of Everything, Social Innovation Camp & Bethnal Green Ventures: , 

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